We worship with awe the One True God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- We put aside anything that competes with our loyalty to Him.
- We make private and public praise a priority in our lives.
- We recognize our own weaknesses and sins and turn away from them.
- We work for justice and compassion so that our worship may be acceptable.
- We tell people inside and outside the church the good news about God’s qualities and the wonderful things He has done.

We trust for our salvation in the redemption Jesus accomplished through His death and resurrection.
- We gratefully receive God’s grace in Christ Jesus, and we do not try to earn it.
- We live in a personal relationship with Jesus.
- We practice baptism as a sign that we have died to sin and live to Jesus.
- We celebrate the Lord’s Supper, reminding ourselves that Jesus is our Savior, our life and our hope.
- We live in confidence that the way of the cross is the way of glory.
- We rest in the sure promise of eternal life and joy, and we also exert ourselves to become all that Jesus saved us to be.
- We seek to extend the same grace to other sinners.
We believe and obey the Bible as God’s trustworthy message to us, and we listen to the instruction of the Holy Spirit.
- We emphasize reading, preaching, teaching and studying the Bible.
- We go to the Bible prayerfully and humbly for encouragement, correction, wisdom and direction.
- We talk with one another about what God is teaching us and admit when we have failed to obey.
- We teach one another from God’s word in the presence of the Spirit.
- We watch for signs of the Holy Spirit’s work among us and take note of the biblical teachings to which the Holy Spirit directs us.
We are united in the church, the Body of Christ in the world.
- We love and serve one another and the world in practical ways, as did our incarnate Lord Jesus Christ.
- We enjoy ethnic and social diversity among believers.
- We encourage everyone to develop and use the gifts of the Spirit.
- We focus on the central, uniting truths of the gospel: We do not divide over secondary matters or seek to force others to agree with us.
- Since sincere and mature believers differ on secondary matters of belief and practice, we seek where possible to make room for differences; where diversity is not possible we treat those who disagree with us with respect.
- We see conflict as an opportunity for growth.
- We work for unity and long for the ultimate reunion when Jesus comes again.